AI Drone company Aerobotics7 winner of the Kluz Prize for PeaceTech

The Kluz Prize for PeaceTech was awarded in New York City on 20th September, with Aerobotics7 securing the top honour of the evening. Hosted by The GovLab at New York University, the event recognised trailblazing innovations in the field of PeaceTech.

Each year, the Kluz Prize celebrates cutting-edge contributions that leverage emerging technologies to promote peace, mitigate conflict, and uphold human dignity and universal rights. Winners are selected by a distinguished panel of experts from the tech industry, civil society, and academia, with the prize aiming to recognise and support innovations that create meaningful global impact.

Other recognitions on the night included:

  • Special Distinction for the Use of AI for Peace: VIEWS research consortium
  • Special Distinction for Space Technology: Lunasonde
  • Special Distinction for Humanitarian Impact: The Danish Refugee Council

Aerobotics7 is dedicated to addressing the global threat of landmines through innovative AI and drone technology. Their technology can significantly reduce the time and resources required for traditional demining, addressing the $34.6 billion estimated cost of clearing landmines in conflict-affected regions. Founded by a then 14-year-old Harshwardhan Zala in 2016, Aerobotics7 develops advanced drone-based advanced sensing technology.

CEO and Founder Harshwardhan Zala said: “We’re honored to receive the Kluz Prize for PeaceTech, which recognizes the groundbreaking work we’re doing at Aerobotics7 to revolutionize landmine and hidden threat detection using drone-based advanced technology. The award win will significantly accelerate our mission, enabling us to expand our efforts globally.”

12 leading experts decided the winners from a talented pool of 90 applications from 32 countries across the world.

Judge Andrew Schroeder, VP of Research and Analysis at Direct Relief, said: “The Kluz Prize is shining a bright light on some of the most important efforts to bring the best in technology, data, and analytics to the crucial work of making conflict both less likely and less lethal to the civilians and communities who bear the brunt of the costs of warfare. The field of PeaceTech is maturing quickly, and the Kluz Prize is playing a key role in that maturation."

Artur Kluz, CEO of Kluz Ventures and Founder of the Kluz Prize for PeaceTech stated: “We are thrilled with the success of this year's awards, which not only celebrated the deserving winners but also highlighted the growing reputation of this important field and the significant role AI, big data, drone, and space technologies are playing in peacebuilding. Our winner and those who won distinctions embody the spirit of innovation, driving meaningful change in the PeaceTech field. We hope this continued momentum will inspire even more tech entrepreneurs to invent unique technology applications that save people’s lives and accelerate the PeaceTech movement on a global scale.”