Adapting to the New Flexible Office: Making the Most of Monday

We all know that the work landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. This is no more apparent than in Techspace's latest Scaleup Culture Report, which highlights a significant shift in tech workers' preferences for in-office workdays. And much to the chagrin of every late-night talk show host’s punchline, it would appear that Monday in the office is back!

While the past few years have led many companies to adapt to flexible and hybrid working arrangements, much emphasis has been given to the mid-week, giving way to the TWTs acronym. Still, our findings show that in the tech world, Monday through Wednesday are now the prime days to join colleagues in the office. 

With this shift, how can startups and scaleups maximise their office and team dynamics to optimise success?

Mandated Days and Employee Demand

Turning to the lyrics of Fleetwood Mac, “Monday morning you sure look fine, Friday I got travelin' on my mind,” – with a huge workforce in the UK that is now well versed in managing flexible and remote work, it makes sense that a Monday in the office would be more popular than a Friday. As minds turn to better work-life balance and making the most of the weekend, heading to the office on a Friday isn’t as lucrative as starting the week there. 

Our report revealed that increased company-mandated office days and rising employee demand for structured office time have led to more in-office presence throughout the week. It’s worth noting that this change is driven by organisational policies and employee preferences, reflecting a collective recognition of the benefits of face-to-face collaboration and team cohesion.

Sales and Marketing Lead the Charge

The resurgence of Mondays was seen particularly amongst sales and marketing departments.  Our report finds that commercial teams prefer to establish alignment and strategies immediately after the weekend and in person to ensure productivity in the following days.

These in-office alignment sessions help to set clear goals and objectives right at the beginning of the week, fostering a sense of direction and purpose that can be carried through the subsequent days. By setting key meetings and planning sessions for Mondays, teams can ensure everyone is on the same page, a crucial element for collaborative efforts and achieving targets.

Stress Reduction

Contrary to age-old thinking, Mondays also prove to be a stress reducer. With an average of 45 minutes spent commuting in the UK, employees can avoid peak congestion experienced later in the week by choosing Mondays for in-office work. This reduces commute-related stress and enhances overall well-being, allowing employees to arrive more relaxed and prepared at work. It’s a small change that can significantly impact productivity and morale.

Setting up for Success

Whether mandating specific days in the office or enabling the team to work flexibly and make their own decisions when they come in, two omnipresent factors are communication and office management. Flexible work arrangements now mean companies can opt to have fewer desks than the number of people in the company, encouraging different teams to be in the office on different days – and potentially using flexible workspace providers to use overflow on the rare occasion it is needed. 

Regardless of your setup, communicating with your team is integral to success. While you may remember to say something to one team member in person, you may need to remember to inform other remote workers so that critical updates and requests are met, and all are informed. Setting rules for managing the flow of information or work requests online and offline can help avoid tricky situations in the future. 

For companies that choose a smaller space for a larger team, managing the flow of people into the office is critical. Office management and a desk booking system must be considered. This includes how teams or individuals can book desks and how employees can store items at the office when they don’t have specific desk space. The office must be designed so employees can work from any desk but still remain part of the space. 

Finally, culture and creating moments for the team outside work are significant. As you grow, specific teams will know each other better than others, which means individual team members of a 200-person team are less likely to know one another. Beyond the office space, companies must consider bringing people together for a work environment that reflects their desired culture. Your company values play a role here, too - setting up success and expectations for employees no matter where they work. 


Forward-thinking businesses can seize this opportunity to create a thriving hybrid work environment. By embracing flexible schedules and offering supportive spaces for both in-office and remote work, companies can:

  • Boost Productivity & Collaboration: Strategic in-person sessions at the beginning of the week can set clear goals and foster team alignment, leading to a more productive and cohesive workforce throughout the week.
  • Empower Employee Choice: Flexible schedules allow employees to manage their work-life balance and personal needs effectively.
  • Attract and Retain Top Talent: Catering to the evolving needs of today's workforce demonstrates your commitment to a modern, employee-centric work culture.

The way we work is transforming, and a fascinating trend is emerging: the rise of the Monday-Wednesday in-office workweek. This shift reflects a growing recognition of the value of structured in-person collaboration, particularly at the start of the week, highlighting the continued importance of remote work flexibility. The way we work will continue to evolve, and the best businesses will evolve with it.