Fashion, Beauty and Luxury Pitch Night
DateTuesday,19 Nov
Time06:00 PM
PriceEvent Price€15-€450
Introducing fashion, luxury and beauty startups to international investors and advisors.
The Startup Club is pleased to invite you to our Fashion, Beauty and Luxury Pitch Night.
If you are a fashion, beauty or luxury startup looking for the next investment round, this event presents a unique opportunity for intimate networking with potential investors. If you are a Business Angel or an Investment Fund Manager, our Fashion, Beauty and Luxury Pitch Night will allow you to discover carefully selected, innovative companies in the industry from all around the world.
The event invites startups from different spectrums of the Fashion, Beauty and Luxury industry to connect with the right investors: from sustainable fashion and clean beauty ventures, to technological innovations in the luxury industry overall - marketplaces, concierge services, luxury travel solutions and more.
The board members are:
- Jeppe F. G. Bjerke Senior Associate at Investinor AS
- Samuel Alexander - C2C Fashion and Technology
- Mirjana Perkovic Loyal VC
The event will take place in the following format:
- 18:00: Introduction by The Startup Club
- 18:10: Welcoming the Advisory Panel of Investors
- 18:20: Company Presentations (5-minute pitches followed by 15 minutes of Q&A each)
- 19:50: Concluding remarks and breakout rooms