Celebrating Women in Structured Finance Summit
DateTuesday,18 Mar
LocationClifford Chance, London, UK
Time09:00 AM
PriceEvent Price1250
Opal Group, in partnership with Clifford Chance, will host the 3rd annual Celebrating Women in Structured Finance Summit in London, highlighting female leaders and discussing key topics like ESG, CLOs, ABS, DEI initiatives, and the future of leadership in the industry.
We are thrilled to return to London again and co-host the 3rd annual Celebrating Women in Structured Finance Summit in conjunction with Clifford Chance at their offices in London.
This one-day event will highlight the work of accomplished female leaders in the structured finance space.
Topics will focus on ESG, CLOs, ABS, Private Credit, Investments, DEI Initiatives, & Cultivating the next generation of leaders and will include an exhibition with networking breakfast, lunch, breaks & cocktail reception.
There will be a hybrid component. Panel sessions & the networking platform will be available.
*This event is open to all genders in the structured finance space*