Julia House

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Julia is an approachable and experienced attorney with over 25 years’ experience. After obtaining a Law degree, she trained and qualified as a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney with Unilever PLC, then spent nine years managing the company’s expansive Trade Mark portfolio, followed by five years within their M&A department, being involved in significant acquisitions.

After a few years managing the Trade Mark portfolio within the Beer & Spirits division of Allied Domecq PLC, Julia transferred into private practice, going on to hold a senior position at a leading firm of solicitors, prior to being appointed as Associate within a reputed firm of Patent and Trade Mark practitioners.

Julia has experience of all aspects of trade mark practice, which enables her to provide an insightful and commercial approach to brand management and protection, including the complex issues of ownership and licensing. She enjoys the variety and challenges of working with a wide range of clients – from startup businesses to multinational corporations – and loves being part of the innovation process.

Most weekends Julia can be found hiking in the Cotswolds.

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