David Gluckman

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After a career in advertising, David moved into brand development in 1969 and has worked in the field ever since.  His main client was IDV (which became Diageo) for whom he worked as a consultant for 36 years.  His list of brands created include Baileys Irish Cream,Sheridan’s,  The Singleton, Purdey’s, Aqua Libra, Smirnoff Black, Tanqueray Ten and many others.

He engaged in two ventures where he developed his own brands, a Refrigerator Deodoriser called Fridge Fresh in the 1970s and a premium cream liqueur called Coole Swan, in 2007.

In 2017, he published his best-selling book “That s*it will never sell!”  the title being based on a remark made by an American pundit when he first came across a bottle of Baileys!

He is a prolific commentator on LinkedIn, a frequent contributor to conferences and seminars and spend much of his time mentoring young start-ups.  His line is “if you read my book, my Zoom door is always open.”

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