Bartosz Majewski

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President and Founder of SoDA, CEO Codibly Bartosz is a true visioner who sets the direction for the industry leader in software development services for renewable energy - Codibly. He specialises in analysing market needs and trends. Bartosz is a highly experienced entrepreneur and CEO with 15 years of international experience in the technology industry. Together with the largest players in the energy market, he is trying to build a better future for the next generations.

Bartosz is also the President and Founder of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA). The organisation was founded in 2018 and currently brings together over 210 companies with Polish and foreign capital operating throughout the country, employing over 55,000 employees in Poland, and records over PLN 5.5B turnover yearly. SoDA is trying to implement new technological standards in Poland. Its goal is to promote Polish IT potential abroad, as well as unlock easy access to workshops, conferences, lectures and seminars for Polish specialists. Bartosz strongly believes that these activities will have a real impact on the digitisation of the Polish economy.

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