Anne Ravanona

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Anne Ravanona is the CEO of Global Invest Her, a platform dedicated to accelerating the funding journey for women entrepreneurs. With a mission to close the funding gap and empower one million women entrepreneurs by 2030, Anne is a passionate advocate for gender equality in the business world. Her credentials include speaking engagements at the United Nations, European Parliament, Moroccan Parliament, TEDx, and the G20 Women's Empowerment Conference. She has served as the Head of the EU Delegation to the W20, past President and Jury Member of the Simone Veil Prize for Gender Equality, and as an Expert Consultant to the European Commission. Recognized as one of Europe’s most influential women in the startup and venture capital space, Anne has been named in the Top 100 Influencers in Gender Equality and Diversity, highlighting her dedication to advancing women's economic empowerment globally.

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