Aahuti Rai

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Aahuti is an active leader in the UK/Europe health innovation sector. She works with healthcare providers, investors and innovators to scale and transform health care services using technology as a key enabler. Her specific focus is in the areas of strategy, commercialisation, clinical adoption and patient engagement. Prior to her move into health-tech, Aahuti spent 20+ years delivering innovation strategies and large-scale changes within well-respected

multi-nationals across 14 industries through her business Four Points. Now fully immersed in healthcare and life sciences, she is Chair/NED for 8fold Governance and Commercial Lead for Women's Health Services at Modality LLP, one of the largest primary care providers in England. Additionally, she is a Venture Partner with Conduit Connect and Young Lives vs. Cancer - both of whom operate impact funds; and she sits on the Development Board for MQ Mental Health, a research charity and is an advisor/mentor for Funds and Programmes within the Digital Health sector.

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