Top pitching startups of SIM: day two

The second day of pitching battles at the Startups & Investment Matching (SIM) conference was as fierce as the first! Once again separated by sector, day two saw healthtech and wellbeing, security and prevention, and agritech and & foodtech startups take to the stage to present their innovations.

In this article, we cover the startups that pitched on stage and their innovations.

Healthtech and Wellbeing


iLoF has created an AI-powered platform which collects and integrates massive amounts of optical signals that convert a user’s blood sample into a rich phenotypic signature. This is to overcome the traditional limits of biochemical analysis and facilitate personalised and precise medical applications.

Through advanced AI and Photonics, iLoF is collecting massive amounts of data to build a digital library of biomarkers and biological profiles, bringing together world-class physicists, biologists, and data scientists to get life-saving personalised treatments to patients faster.


Knokcare is a tech startup focused on healthcare innovation. The company provides a platform that facilitates remote medical consultations, offering services that allow patients to connect with healthcare professionals via video calls.

This model aims to improve accessibility to medical services, particularly for those in remote areas or for individuals seeking flexible consultation options. Knokcare utilises advanced technology to ensure secure and efficient communication between patients and doctors, emphasising patient privacy and the reliability of medical consultations. Its service is particularly relevant in scenarios where traditional face-to-face appointments are challenging or inconvenient.

Maven Pet

Maven Pet is a SaaS pettech startup that focuses on improving pets' quality of life with technology, which provides peace of mind to pet owners. Maven is a way to keep track of your pet’s health and wellbeing continuously, through location alerts and personalised insights based on activity data.

Its hardware is a wearble for your pet, which tracks each pet and gathers detailed information regarding their location and activity over time. This data is cross-referenced with their individual profile by Maven’s AI. Relevant behaviour changes are brought to the Vet team's attention for further examination, allowing accurate and early diagnosis.

Security and prevention


In today's software landscape, ensuring robust security measures is of utmost importance. Interpretica delvse deep into a client’s project dependencies, leaving no stone unturned. The startup’s technology meticulously scrutinises every aspect of your software ecosystem. By checking all libraries, regardless of language or version, it is able to uncover vulnerabilities that might otherwise slip through the cracks, making sure it is as secure and robust as possible.

Naoris Protocol

Naoris Protocol has created a Decentralised Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture (dCSMA) utilising Blockchain and AI, to remove the single points of failure that exist in current centralised solutions.

By transforming traditionally untrusted devices into cyber-trusted validator nodes that continually assess the status of every other device in real-time, Naoris Protocol enhances the trustworthiness of the network. Its network of validators is fully decentralised and employs blockchain technology, distributed AI, signed software, and cryptography to generate provable events concerning the cyber status of all devices, networks, and environments. Naoris Protocol's Distributed Swarm AI identifies anomalies and behavioural changes within each device in milliseconds, generating immediate alerts. Infected devices can be temporarily isolated from the network, preventing widespread infrastructure breaches and hacks.


SAFEFOREST focuses on developing solutions for the prevention of wildfires through advanced robotic fire protection activities. It aims to significantly reduce the costs associated with maintaining both private and public forests, and protecting wide corridors used as fuel breaks and areas near critical infrastructures such as roads, railways, telecommunication lines, and electric utility lines.

The project is dedicated to the development of sophisticated monitoring and robotic systems to semi-automatically manage forest fuels in areas characterised by complex terrain, including challenging slopes and roughness. The plan involves the creation of semi-autonomous mobile platforms capable of conducting land-clearing missions. This will be accomplished by integrating various sensors onto a semi-autonomous all-terrain platform designed for land clearing in fuel breaks and WWUI areas.

Foodtech and Agritech

AgroGrIN Tech

AgroGrIN Tech is on a mission to promote a circular food supply chain by adding value from the food waste produced in the fruit production and processing business through the application of eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions.

AgroGrIN Tech has developed an innovative and eco-friendly process to transform industrial fruit waste into functional food ingredients, completely getting rid of waste. The company has a patented technology that enables it to separate natural functional ingredients, which can then be reused in the wider food market.

The Cricket Farming Co

The Cricket Farming Co is a Portuguese startup that are focused exclusively on the use of Acheta domesticus crickets to bioconvert plant by-products into human food ingredients. These resulting products have a very rich nutritional profile and high sustainability, contributing to a healthier diet, with a positive contribution to the health of the planet.


BRAINR is an AI-enabled cloud MES (Manufacturing Execution System) for the food industry, built on a scalable and secure cloud infrastructure, that enables smarter processes and 360º intelligent real-time management of factory operations.

From goods receipt to production planning and execution, warehouse management, and dispatch, BRAINR covers every factory operation with custom quality controls and traceability. The startup aims to be the factory’s brain bringing together all people, software, machines, and sensors, allowing decision-makers to get better insights into the value chain process and run operations as efficiently and profitably as possible.