Top five Security Considerations For Startups With A Hybrid Work Model

74% of American companies have already adopted or plan to adopt a permanent hybrid work model. There are many benefits to using a hybrid work model for your startup. Your employees will have a better work-life balance, you can downsize your office space, and your employees will be more content.

If you’re considering, or have already implemented, a hybrid work model at your startup, you need to ensure your security covers the work model.

Read about the top five security considerations for startups with a hybrid work model, including cybersecurity tips and physical security tips for a future proof system.

Top five Security Considerations For Hybrid Startups

One of the most prominent concerns startup business leaders have before switching to a hybrid work model is security. With the increased adoption of cloud-based work platforms comes a need to secure the system from third parties, preventing losses for your startup business and increasing the trust of stakeholders. Here are the top five security considerations for hybrid startups.

Cybersecurity Training

Human error causes a significant portion of cybersecurity incidents. Your startup can remove a considerable margin of cybersecurity vulnerability by providing employees with sufficient cybersecurity training. Some areas you may wish to cover with your cybersecurity training include:

  • Spotting phishing scams - if your employees aren’t aware of the signs, they may fall victim to a phishing scam that exposes their data and the company’s private data. Educating your employees on keeping their information confidential and spotting phishing texts and emails can help eliminate the possibility of falling victim to a phishing scam.
  • Creating solid passwords - you must educate your employees on the importance of setting strong passwords and creating strong passwords. Many employees use weak and common passwords, so implementing practical training on password creation will help secure your system from third parties.
  • Keeping software updated - when software is updated, it often removes any vulnerabilities found in the current system. If your team fails to update their software, then the software could have vulnerabilities that third parties could take advantage of.

Integrating Access Control And Video Surveillance

Your building’s access control system is essential to keep any data stored in your office protected. Video surveillance also deters crime in your office space and provides evidence once a crime has occurred. In fact, according to research, the display and use of commercial security cameras deter 61% of burglaries.

If your security staff and system administrators can view access logs alongside video information, a user-friendly interface allows for faster identity verification. Misappropriated access credentials are one of the most extensive vulnerabilities of an access control system, and by integrating access control and video surveillance, you can mitigate this risk.

Merging Cyber And Physical Security

Hybrid businesses must adopt cloud-based technologies to ensure employees access the information needed for daily operations. As cloud-based technologies are more heavily adopted, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between cyber and physical security. Hybrid businesses can merge both cyber and physical security to keep up with these changes.

  • Use access control to protect digital assets housed in your building.
  • Merge IT and physical security teams for improved communications.
  • Use cybersecurity software to protect cloud-based security tools.
  • Integrate AI and analytics with cloud-based security tools to trigger alerts when they detect anomalous data.

Considering On-Premise Vs Cloud-Based Systems

According to Gartner, 85% of enterprises plan to adopt a cloud-first principle by 2025. There is much debate on whether an on-premise or cloud-based system is best for hybrid businesses. When it comes to your security system, you do not have to choose between an on-premise or cloud-based system. 

A hybrid system provides the benefits of each, ensuring you can operate your system remotely and you can view information from anywhere. In contrast, the on-premise element ensures your servers will be operational should your cloud system become compromised.

Integrating Automations And Workflows With Access Control

Access control has limitless integration potential. Your hybrid business could benefit from integrating HR tools with access control to manage employees better when they work in the office. It can become challenging to keep track of employees’ whereabouts and time tracking with flexible hybrid working. 

So, integrating HR tools with access control can help you ensure your employees are tracking their time effectively, and you will be aware of your employees' whereabouts. Keeping your hybrid team productive can be a challenge, so you must employ all of the tools at your disposal to maximise productivity.


Your startup needs to reduce the potential for losses due to a security event. As your business grows, securing your assets and data is essential. The security considerations listed above can be instrumental in ensuring success. Consider your startup’s current security vulnerabilities and which of these security considerations would benefit your business the most.