Storyblok’s CMS helps Octopus Energy use content to power future of green energy

Storyblok, the content management system (CMS) designed for all team types, recently revealed that Octopus Energy has adopted its platform to streamline content management and reduce reliance on developers.

Octopus Energy, a leader in clean energy technology, previously grappled with a cumbersome CMS that demanded extensive developer input for every content task and offered limited flexibility and customisation. This outdated system resulted in a disjointed content management process that was slow and hindered collaboration.

Recognising the need for a more dynamic solution, Octopus Energy transitioned to Storyblok. With Storyblok, they have centralised their content management and integrated all platforms through APIs. This enables content creators to build experiences independently, without developer assistance, and allows for precise user role management to enhance collaboration.

Storyblok is now utilised by 19 teams across six business functions in eight countries. This collective effort has empowered Octopus Energy to create a website from scratch within two weeks and deploy updates in just five minutes. The typical creation and publishing time has been reduced by one to two days, with smaller projects often completed on the same day. This efficient process has led to a two-thirds reduction in developer support requests.Aaron Cawte, Senior Front-end Developer at Octopus Energy, said: “Storyblok's Visual Editor empowers our content editors to click on the content they want to change and see the results in real-time. This enabled us to roll out Storyblok at speed with zero training, and our teams around the world have taken to it like ducks to water.”

Based on this success, Octopus Energy plans to continue using Storyblok for various projects, including the migration of over 1,000 pages from a legacy CMS, and the expansion of their mobile app content.

Sascha Ploebst, VP of Sales at Storyblok, said: “Storyblok makes it possible for everyone on the team to be a part of your content efforts. Octopus Energy has seen firsthand why using a CMS that can be adopted by multiple teams, departments, and regions is a smart business decision.”

Dominik Angerer, CEO and Co-Founder of Storyblok, said: “Octopus Energy views energy in the same way we view content: it should be efficient and nothing should be wasted. By centralizing content with Storyblok, Octopus Energy is experiencing the benefits of reusable content across all of their platforms.”