Redefining the sustainable future of business

In the race to achieve net zero by 2050, the role of businesses is crucial given their significant environmental footprint. Nonetheless, the journey towards sustainability is fraught with hurdles such as upfront costs, intricate supply chains, and resistance to change.

Despite these obstacles, the environmental and social benefits of adopting sustainable practices far outweigh the initial challenges. Businesses that commit to sustainability can enjoy long-term advantages including cost savings, compliance with regulations, competitive edge in the market, and an improved brand image.

In light of this, BPI, an asset disposal specialist, has collaborated with various experts to provide practical strategies for businesses to lead in sustainability in 2024.

Embrace green technology

Investing in green technologies is essential for a sustainable business future. This includes purchasing energy-efficient equipment, using smart systems for resource optimisation, and migrating to Cloud computing.

Simon Langdown, Co-Founder of Essenkay Solutions, emphasises the sustainability benefits of Cloud migration, noting: “Cloud migration is a key sustainable strategy, enhancing energy efficiency and processes. Cloud systems enable scalable infrastructure adjustments based on business needs, providing real-time updates, carbon neutrality, reduced reliance on non-sustainable practices, and efficient resource management. The additional scalability options also improve operations and aid cost control, resulting in significant financial savings across technology.”

Adopt circular economy practices

Circular economy principles focus on reducing waste and maximising resource efficiency. Henry Spencer, Operations Director at BPI, points out: "By integrating asset disposal strategies centred on machinery and equipment resale and reuse, construction businesses contribute to environmental sustainability and strengthen brand reputation and long-term viability.

“By conducting regular asset audits, businesses can identify surplus equipment and machinery, assess refurbishment potential, and emphasise sustainability in procurement. Partnering with a reputable selling platform ensures transparent and efficient disposal and contributes to the circular economy.”

Reducing and sourcing energy

Businesses can further their sustainability goals by using energy-efficient technologies, optimising operations, and utilising renewable energy sources. “Good energy procurement is an opportunity. By investing in the right strategies and technologies, businesses can reduce costs and enhance sustainability – a duality that serves as a linchpin for long-term success, both from an economic and environmental standpoint,” says Ruari Cairns, Director of Risk Management and European Operations at Open Energy Market.

Implement sustainable supply chain practices

Sustainable supply chain management is increasingly becoming a competitive differentiator. “SMEs and small suppliers say they are increasingly being asked to demonstrate their carbon reduction plans when bidding for contracts. So, not having one might mean you’re potentially losing business. This is driven by demand from customers and big buyers, such as the public sector and retailers, who are under increasing scrutiny to have more sustainable value chains. Tightening regulations and consumers are often pointed as the key forces driving that – but it also makes so much business sense,” advises Jonathan Jones, Founder and CEO of Green Ibex Ltd.

Educate and engage employees and stakeholders

Training employees on sustainable practices is key to embedding green behaviours into daily operations. Jonathan adds: “Middle managers who are given the keys to drive sustainability usually have to fill in a knowledge gap first."

Henry Spencer from BPI encapsulates the sentiment: “As UK businesses aim to support net zero goals, they can overcome sustainable hurdles by conducting thorough audits, investing in technology for efficiency, building a culture of innovation, collaborating with suppliers for transparency, and educating employees."

BPI's suite of services, including BPI Asset Disposal Solutions, BPI Auctions, and BPI Asset Advisory, offers a comprehensive approach to asset disposal, aligning economic objectives with environmental stewardship for a more sustainable future.