One platform hundreds of possibilities - Be a waste hero
The planet is in crisis. Waste crime is at its highest to date and every day, we hear of more waste being sent abroad to be dumped instead of recycled. A recent report by The Environment Agency in 2021 stated that the amount of waste being dumped from waste crime or illegally misdescribed would fill Wembley Stadium over 30 times over.
Do we really want to live in a world where we are fighting to keep our planet safe from our own waste? Learning to recycle is only part of the problem. The general public is embracing new initiatives every day such as a recent ‘just one bottle’ campaign to encourage everyone to re-use just 1 single-use plastic bottle instead of buying new.
So, let’s become waste heroes.
But its not enough. So, what next?
AnyWaste.Com, a new tech startup company, has taken up the challenge to create a platform to fight the problem of where our waste goes and what happens to it. Their new system is a standout option to help waste processors, brokers and producers of waste by simplifying the process.
So how can new tech help solve our waste problem?
By using a system that that helps with easy waste booking, management, payment and reduces administrative time and processes, it means that we can reduce the amount of unlicenced waste carriers operating and fly tipping. It can track your waste from the moment it leaves your site to its destination. This helps organisations such as The Environment Agency ensure the waste is being dealt with and not just fly tipped, misdescribed or illegally exported.
Working within three of the UN Sustainability Goals (industry, innovation and infrastructure, responsible consumption and climate change), AnyWaste.Com is really focusing on making a positive impact not only in the waste industry, but also the global business and environmental sectors. With a goal to make the world a cleaner and safe place through better controls around waste disposal whilst encouraging re-use and the global circular economy.
Imagine if every business in the world used this technology? Stopping illegal waste dumping and exporting, making everybody accountable for what they produce and saving the planet from becoming a landfill. Be a waste hero. Be a AnyWaste hero!