Nick Armstrong's newest endeavour, Chirp, targets B2B sales success

Nick Armstrong, a seasoned entrepreneur and blockchain pioneer, has returned to his startup roots. At 40, he's already experienced a dynamic career – he made the 2011 BRW Young Rich List at just 28, led a public company by 37, and ventured into blockchain before Bitcoin was even on the radar. Now, he's leveraging his extensive experience in sales with his latest startup, aiming to simplify the lives of salespeople.

Armstrong’s new venture, Chirp, has secured early investment from Trampoline Ventures. Today, Chirp opened its waitlist, targeting early adopters in B2B SaaS sales leadership who are eager to explore innovative sales solutions.

"Trampoline is excited to be an early investor in Chirp. We’re committed to backing founders who are not only innovative but also focused on creating long-term impact. Nick Armstrong and the Chirp team embody that spirit, building tools that genuinely empower sales leaders by leveraging AI in a human-centred way. We’re excited to support Chirp as they redefine what’s possible in the B2B sales space and help drive real outcomes for teams around the world,” said Jason Ming, Managing Partner at Trampoline.

Chirp is a 10x better way to do sales, increase revenue, speed up lead to close time and reduce that pesky admin that salespeople find themselves in for an estimated 70% of their time - according to Salesforce.

“Sales haven't changed in 20 years and they really should have. The promise of the CRM hasn't been delivered, it’s cumbersome and really just a big database that requires manual updates which are a time suck for salespeople who should be out there making connections and closing deals. In this first iteration and MVP of Chirp, we’re looking for sales leaders to help us shape their AI sidekick of the future.

“Chirp is a human-led AI partnership that unlocks sales leaders with a deep lead qualification framework, integrates behavioural and emotional insights into the sales process and empowers real-time search queries to help you close deals faster.

“We believe in a world where humans use technology to exponentially grow their trusted network, their revenue and close deals faster. AI is a powerful part of the sales tech stack that is inevitable but should be considered as a partnership and not a robot that will steal jobs. Ultimately, we’re building a tool that I would have loved to have had as a sales-led founder. It’s something I’m excited to be using myself to bring on new customers and partners to Chirp too,” commented Nick Armstrong, Co-founder & Head of Revenue at Chirp.

Chirp AI is the first Australian sales AI agent that will help salespeople improve their close to win rate.