Kefir entrepreneur empowers women to set up their own business
With the government furlough scheme ending on 31st October, many people will no doubt be worried about job security. One study by the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex suggested more than 6.5 million jobs could be at risk.
But with social and cultural norms shifting on a huge and unprecedented scale, now could be the perfect opportunity to make your dream a reality and set up your own business.
Kefir entrepreneur, Shann Nix Jones, is No 1 Best-Selling Author on Amazon for her new book, How To Start A Business At Your Kitchen Table; an insightful and realistic guide for any woman looking to branch out on their own.
Born out of her passion to cure her son’s eczema and her husband’s life threatening MRSA infection, Shann Nix Jones decided to set up kefir business Chuckling Goat on her kitchen table at her house in Wales. Fast forward six years and the business is now turning over £3.4m.
Shann said: “How to Start a Business on Your Kitchen Table isn’t just about business, it’s about change and female empowerment; both highly relevant themes at the moment.
"In the book I help you work out how to develop a concept into a viable business that helps support your dream lifestyle. I also teach you how to tap into your hormonal cyclical superpowers so you can do business in an intuitive way while leaning into your emotions.

In How to Start a Business on Your Kitchen Table, Shann Nix Jones lays out the essential steps that will help you walk your gift into the world.
This book will show you how to start your own heart-centred business to support yourself and your family. No special equipment needed! You already have everything you need. Your gift is unique to you - and the world is waiting to welcome it. Create a beautiful value-based crystal, and grow it into a magnificent ice palace that can protect the people you love, and help the world as well.
Everything you've heard about business is wrong
Your business doesn't have to be sleazy. It doesn't have to be cut-throat. You don't need deep pockets. And you don't have to compromise your values.
Your business can truly be a unique expression of who you are
How to Start a Business on Your Kitchen Table is a manifesto for finally organising your talents, getting out of your own way and claiming the future you deserve.
Here are some of Shann’s top tips from the book:
Don’t wait for ‘the right time’
Creating a business probably won’t be like your fantasy. You don’t have to have it all together before you begin; take one step, then another. See what happens.
Put a price on your work
People won’t value your business unless they pay. It may sound silly but write out: ‘I do wonderful work for wonderful pay’. Put it by your bed. Read it every day.
Don’t be afraid to aim high
Work out how much your product costs to make. This is important - if you’re charging less than it costs you, it’s a hobby, not a business. Set your price point high. If it’s too high you can reduce it by having a sale - but you can’t substantially increase once it’s out there.
Scope out the marketplace
Look at your competition; think about where you want to sit in that market - high, middle or low price point? Whichever you choose, stick to it and communicate it to your customer with your packaging and branding.
Put your face on your business
People buy from other people, and your story is what makes you unique - whether it’s at a table at a craft fair or in a picture on your website.
Shann added: “In 2018, more women than men set up their own businesses, showing they want flexibility, creativity, passion and freedom in their work. So whether or not you’re worried about what the future holds due to the coronavirus pandemic, or you’re simply fed up with the 9-5 grind, this book is for you if you have a business idea you’ve always wanted to make a reality.”