Improved wellbeing efforts can’t curb quiet quitting

Employers are ramping up health and wellbeing support for their employees, according to the latest research from Towergate Health & Protection. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of employers say they now offer more support than they did two years ago, with 42% offering "much more" support. This positive move can help alleviate many problems faced by employees.

However, companies are still grappling with employee issues that impact their business, such as quiet quitting and staff turnover, despite the increased health and wellbeing initiatives. The figures suggest that while the boost in support is significant, directing that support in the right ways could further ease some of the biggest challenges businesses face.

In essence, employers recognise the importance of employee well-being and are taking steps to enhance support. Yet, there is still room for improvement in tailoring these efforts to effectively address persistent issues like disengagement and high turnover within their workforce.

Debra Clark, Head of Wellbeing for Towergate Health & Protection, says: “While health and wellbeing support has increased significantly, it is vital that it is focussed on the right areas and communicated effectively to support both the business and the employee.”

Employee-focused problems currently faced by businesses:

  • Quiet quitting (doing the bare minimum the role involves, without effort or enthusiasm) – 35%
  • Staff turnover – 34%
  • Hybrid working – 31%
  • Presenteeism (people continuing to work when they’re not really well enough to) – 30%
  • Absence rates – 27%
  • Early retirement – 24%
  • N/A our business does not suffer any of these problems – 15%
  • Don’t know / not sure – 2%

So many of the employee-related issues in the workplace, including quiet quitting, staff turnover, hybrid working, presenteeism, absence rates and early retirement are inextricably linked to wellbeing, and the right support can help alleviate them.

Clark says: “Many of the issues businesses currently face relating to employees can be eased by carefully planned and executed health and wellbeing support. But employers have to do more than just put general support in place – it needs to be aimed at helping to address the specific issues that a business is facing.”

Employers should look at the specific needs of their business, to look at what support can be of most help. Staff surveys and employee forums can be extremely useful in ascertaining employees’ requirements if the right questions are asked, and risk profiling can help to further identify areas of need and focus the type and direction of support.

Particularly with so many employees now working on a hybrid basis, having a digital platform for health and wellbeing support makes it easier for employees to access support that’s relevant for them, and for employers to evaluate the utilisation, so the appropriateness of support can be continually reviewed.

Clark concludes: “Just throwing money at health and wellbeing support will have very little positive impact, and very few companies can afford to do this. A strategic approach must be taken to ensure that the help they are offering not only assists the employees but supports the business with their specific issues too.”