The Impact of Mental Health Issues on the UK Workforce
The coronavirus pandemic has created a mental health crisis in the UK and the outbreak is now having a significant impact on our workforce says psychotherapist, Noel McDermott.
Mental ill health cost the economy £5.4bn back in 2015 with 91% of those who developed mental health problems at work never returned to the workforce.
Now is the time to plan for post viral mental health issues and the productivity issues associated with mental ill health.
Advice for employers on how to support staff after COVID
As a matter of course if any of your staff have reported to you having had or suspecting themselves of having had COVID-19 and then go on to report absences that are related to mental health issues, this should trigger a HR occupational health process to investigate.
It should be done in a sensitive way but with the aim of determining if your employee has post viral fatigue or post viral syndrome. Waiting for the NHS services to diagnose this situation is a bit like burying your head in the sand.
Post viral syndrome
Post viral syndrome can become a very chronic illness called chronic fatigue syndrome and you will lose your member of staff. Early intervention and treatment are key. Things to look out for in your occupational health assessment should be known to your OH service doctor but may not be looked at if the process you trigger is simply a mental health one.
The psychological symptoms will appear as depression and anxiety, but it will not respond to mental health treatment process alone. This can lead to wasted time and entrenchment of the problems leading to the condition possibly becoming chronic.
Looking after your employees
In April 2020 over 30% of adults reported levels of mental distress such as depression, indicative that treatment may be needed. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health conditions and are easily treatable needing early intervention to ensure that it does not become chronic and treatment resistant. Conditions like this affect not only that employee’s productivity and happiness, but the entire mood of his or her co-workers and their productivity too.
Mass unemployment is likely to be with us once the furlough schemes wind up and evidence shows as unemployment increases sadly so does suicide. In Europe there is an almost 1:1 relationship between unemployment and suicide, with every 1% increase in unemployment, there is a 0.8% increase in the suicide rate.
For your HR teams, knowledge about post viral syndrome conditions and mental health issues is a useful thing so that they can ensure the trigger the appropriate OH pathway.
Key signs that an employee could be struggling with post virus mental health problems are:
- Sleep problems
- Muscle or joint pain
- Headaches
- Sore throat/glands that are not swollen
- Problems thinking or remembering
- Flu like symptoms
- Feeling dizzy or sick
- Palpitations
It is likely that you will also see changes in behaviour and in the quality of work being produced by the employee. Encouraging your HR teams to understand these issues can lead to early identification and appropriate specialist intervention which will ensure the mental health services used work closely with medic al services and rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy.
If you are dealing with staff whom you would normally fund medical and mental health services through insurance, this advice and approach is particularly relevant. With staff for whom the NHS is the main health service supplier, you can ensure they go informed and armed to gain appropriate rehabilitation services via their GP.
Psychotherapist, Noel McDermott commented: “Signs that there may be need of professional help are if there are problems in functioning that are persistent over a two-week period. Periodic anxiety or depression lasting a short period of time is to be expected and will generally shift of their own accord if your general mental hygiene/lifestyle is resilient.
"If it continues for days and weeks, then there is likely to be a problem needing proper diagnosis and treatment. Ensure that your staff have a range of support arrange long term recovery, move from a treatment model to a rehabilitation model of support’.
Noel McDermott is a Psychotherapist with over 25 years’ experience in health, social care, and education. He is the founder and CEO of three organisations, Psychotherapy and Consultancy, Sober Help and Mental Health Works.
Noel’s company offer at-home mental health care and will source, identify and co-ordinate personalised care teams for the individual. They have recently launched a range of online therapy resources in order to help clients access help without leaving home - you can find it here.