How to turn your idea into a brand?

 One of the most regular questions many entrepreneurs ask themselves: 'Why do some companies succeed and stay longer on the market?' and 'Why do some of them not?' 

Nevertheless, even companies with particularly similar ideas, with the same promotion budget can move on further, while the other ones would be rejected by the customers.

'Why is it even happening?'

To be more specific, it’s all not about the design, not just about the promotion and strategy, not about the words you use, but about what matters the most - the power of the brand.

The brand itself has a bigger influence than the product or service. The brand is rather a metaphysical concept that establishes relationships within the inner selves of the individuals, touching upon ther deep emotions and instincts, causing long-term attachment and interest.

To create a brand means to create a whole new object that causes a spectrum of associations. It is so powerful that it enables forming a whole new set of attitudes, feelings and an essential urge to fulfil peoples’ lives with it.

So, to turn your idea into a brand, you have to emphasize the future of what you are making. We don’t recommend focusing too much on the marketing strategy at first, but on thinking out how to scale your brand and how to make people truly believe that it has power.

To do so, you have to touch upon the pains your project is aiming to solve. Similarly to political PR, and, according to its numerous theories, you have to touch upon alikeness with the audience. Most of the voters tend to pick the candidate who has the qualities and features that they have, and it lets them form positive attitudes and interest.

I recommend first discovering your brand identity. This is like any individuals’ identity that is shaped by experiencing a particular lifestyle, portraying prototypes and giving a story. Think about people who will be using your product, they have to get to know your brand first and only then come closer to your product.

After you have developed a story around your brand, you should make it mass. Your brand should appear everywhere, people need to get a reminder that you are there.

Think of some brands that used to be popular a while ago and are no longer so interesting?

They’ve lost their power, purely because these companies are no longer appearing online.

To achieve the goal of letting a brand become mass, we always use SMART philosophy. You might already have heard of this strategic plan.

S - Specific

Specify the actions that should be done to make your idea work. A structured plan will help you allocate the direction towards where you are moving.

M - Measurable

Set the quantifiable expectations, as well as the objectives. Estimate how quickly you will be moving and how quickly you will be achieving your result. Give yourself very particular specific answers; if you don’t know where you want to get to in 5 years, it will be tough to move.

A - Achievable

It’s not just about getting it done, but also about the resources you can use. You have to be very precise and to set the targets that you can do either by yourself or with your team, thinking towards expansion, if needed.

R - Relevant

It’s always better to do a reality check before you even start. Because even if you have an excellent brand image, your whole idea might go wrong if you don’t know your target audience well.

T - Time-oriented

Just be accurate with the deadlines, you have to follow a specific time frame. Although, we always recommend being pretty realistic and do not forget that any marketing actions you do. You have to always test your tactic and check the results. In case you see that it’s not working, change the strategy.    

No matter what you do at this point, remember to always be consistent, flexible and orientated towards building brand-awareness rather than just selling something. In the long term, only true relationships between customers and brand can bring you outstanding outcomes.

You can be pretty sure that you’ve mastered your brand identity, once you will hear that people want not just to buy something from you, but to be it, to be your brand, to be the experience you offer.