How to scale your startup whilst living with IBS

Up to one-third of people in the UK suffer from IBS, and that includes entrepreneurs and startup founders too. While it might not be a widely discussed topic in business, it’s an important one and can make running a startup more difficult.

From missing work days due to painful symptoms, dashing out of Zoom meetings due to bloating, or making travelling to meetings a nightmare, IBS and business aren’t a great combination. And whilst you may have more flexibility in being your own boss, it can still lead to time out of your business, reduced confidence,  missing deadlines and even loss of income. Here’s how to run a successful startup, whilst living with IBS.

Plan your meals and snacks

If you’re travelling pack a variety of small, frequent meals and snacks that are your known ‘safe’ foods so you can avoid possibly triggering IBS symptoms that might emerge after grabbing lunch from the nearest fast food restaurant. Consider keeping a steady supply of non-perishable snacks at work, such as nuts or rice cakes, that you know you can grab in between meetings.

Stay hydrated

Most business owners aren’t drinking enough water, even if you do have a state of the art water cooler installed in the office. Drinking plenty of water can help keep your digestive system functioning properly and may reduce the severity of IBS symptoms. The Eat Well Guide recommends 6-8 glasses of water a day. This needs to be even more if you’re experiencing diarrhea to avoid dehydration.

Manage stress

72% of startup founders say that running a business impacts their mental health. Stress is a common trigger for IBS symptoms, so try to find ways to manage stress whilst working too! Consider practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness meditation. Discussing issues in therapy can also be very beneficial. Schedule these into your calendar, so they’re not bumped for meetings or other work tasks.

Consider swapping for a standing desk

If sitting for long periods aggravates your symptoms, consider asking for a standing desk or adjustable workstation instead. Movement can also help to relieve some symptoms such as bloating or constipation.

Use the toilet when needed

Don't delay using the loo when you feel the urge, as this can worsen IBS symptoms and discomfort. It can also confuse the messages sent between the gut and the brain.

Treat yourself as an employee

IBS comes under the Equality Act 2010, so as a startup employer you’re legally bound to consider reasonable adjustments for a team member with IBS. If you’d do this for an employee, why not yourself as a founder? Put in place adjustments for yourself to be the best founder you can be. This may include being more flexible with your working hours or giving yourself more time to work from home. Monitor your own workload and outsource if necessary, and make sure work breaks are scheduled in for your day!

Consider applying for Access to Work to fund that outsourcing. You are just as entitled to it as an employee.

As you can see, there are many things to consider when managing IBS. Startup founders may spend a large proportion of our time working, so it’s vital that you are not disadvantaged due to your IBS symptoms and take control to help your business (and your gut!) flourish.

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