How I became an entrepreneur and left the rat race behind

Love my Businesses is the Premiere Business listing site for proven business models that will generate you income for years to come. We caught up with Jey Jeyanathan, founder of Love My Businesses to learn more about his journey and how he got to be where he is today. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

Well, first of all, I came from a corporate background, with over 20 years in the IT software and services industry. Starting as an engineer, I then transitioned into sales, marketing and management.

It was there that I gained huge insight into how successful sales teams were structured and learned how to create healthy sales pipelines. I networked with numerous successful directors and owners, gaining insight into how they ran their businesses.

Looking back, I guess it was a “mid-life” crisis that led me to begin my entrepreneurial journey. There is no longer such a thing as a “job for life`. Having to rely on a single income source didn't sit well with me and prompted me to look for multiple revenue streams. I knew e-commerce and doing business online was the way forward.

In addition, the fact of not having a manager and being my own boss was equally important!

Where did the idea for LoveMyBusinesses come from?

As most entrepreneurs know, some things work, some don’t. 

The idea was to motivate budding entrepreneurs to start and invest in lucrative online business models that have been tried and tested and actually do work!

I guess it was my decisive mindset (as well as learning the hard way!) that helped me to identify the very best online business opportunities for others to invest in. 

What is the mission and goal?

Well, the easier thing is just to tell you our mission statement from the website:

  • To inspire budding and established entrepreneurs all over the world to take the plunge and start their first business (or second or third business). 
  • To help people escape the rat race and grind of working hard to make someone else rich and instead achieve their own financial freedom and wealth through hard work. 
  • To inspire others to harness the power of technology to have multiple passive income streams with fully automated or semi-automated online businesses. 
  • Become the No.1 online and e-commerce business resource in the world.

How does the platform work?

We have a selection of proven online business models in various niches. You can request further information on any that are interesting to you.

We also have featured articles and a knowledge base. This has been written by our Head of Content/Copywriting, Jamieson Lee Hill. He was a College Manager and Lecturer in the UK. He’s also an author of two educational books and editor for three novels, including ‘Life’s A Game’ by Mev Dinc, internationally famous Video Games Designer and Founding Father of the Turkish Video Games’ industry.

Our Marketing Director, Matt Bullock is a wizard when it comes to online platforms. He is responsible for getting our content published and out to our international audience. Matt is also a veteran DJ with bags of experience and a serial entrepreneur. 

We also have other staff working in SEO and Graphic Design, as well as a regular intern programme. 

Once you find a business model on our website that is the right fit for you; you can request a consultation.  

Then if the business model feels right, you can pay the initial investment and within a short time you will be the owner of a new company. 

Our online businesses range from fully automated to hands-on. The choice is yours. No pressure, just informed decisions; we are in the business of creating entrepreneurs and helping others realise their dreams. 

The more entrepreneurs we inspire, the stronger our global economy will become, which is especially important in these times. 

How has your life changed since starting LoveMyBusinesses?

The financial and time freedom is unrivalled. 

Before, I was under constant pressure in my corporate role. My time was not my own. Now I schedule my business to fit around my personal life. Seeing my family more is a real blessing and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

It also means we can travel more on holidays to far flung destinations (well not during lockdown!) and generally have more disposable income. I never looked back to be honest. Once I took that initial leap I stepped into the life I had always dreamed of. 

But make no mistake, it takes a lot of hard work in the beginning, requiring persistence and courage! 

Once you step forth and start a new life, the learning curve of being an entrepreneur begins.

Check out our Knowledge Base for some great self-study tips. It is under development now.  We plan to have an initial 10 sections packed with ideas for new and existing entrepreneurs. 

What would you say some of your biggest challenges have been?

Undoubtedly, lockdown was a worry as I thought the fear in the world economy meant people were less willing to start new businesses. However I found quite the opposite, as we received much more interest. 

People realised that it was the digital economy that was going to keep the world going!

How has the last 18 months been for you and the business?

Growth has been very good. We have invested a lot in new content and social media promotion. This has led to a boom in leads and sales. 

One of the most popular models is our Online Domestic Cleaning Agency Business. That has seen a huge increase in sign ups. We are confident moving forward that we will achieve our goal of being the leading online business resource in the world in the next 5 years. 

If you could go back and do anything differently would you and why?

Not really, I think every experience shapes you as a person. I don’t have any regrets at all. See any mistake not as regret but as an experience to learn from.

Although, I did wish I had left corporate a lot sooner and set up my own business, however, I think it needs to be at the right time as I may not have had the correct mindset or experience should I have started earlier. It’s down to the individual.

Do you have any advice for entrepreneurs out there?

Yes I do. Move forward, don't procrastinate!

Don’t listen to those who say most businesses fail in the first year. It is the naysayers that will never have the courage to achieve great success because they may lack the courage to escape the rat race.

The most important thing is to stop talking about wishing you had your own business and GO FOR IT! 

With online business models, you can even run it in parallel with your career.

What is next for Jey and for the business?

World domination and a yacht? Haha! Only kidding. Well, we plan to do a series of video interviews with online entrepreneurs and inspiring figures. 

We also have talked about having an LMB newsletter to keep in touch with our LMB Clan. 

Our main goal is to inspire as many people as possible to become digital entrepreneurs!