How to empower your company with sustainable principles this London Climate Action Week

One of this year's themes for London Climate Action Week is 'Creating a greener London with and for Londoners'.

This theme fits very well with a series we are running to empower our own team at EVORA in their efforts towards sustainable practices.

To do this, we are highlighting how EVORians are taking steps to become more sustainable by sharing some of their personal contributions to building a sustainable planet.

They are the kinds of steps anyone can take, and if more businesses encourage these kinds of activities, I think we will create a healthier, greener environment for ourselves and our families to enjoy.

I do hope you find our EVORians' examples helpful!

Helen Cave-Penney, Head of Growth, Europe – “We have an electric car, are currently retrofitting our house ready for either solar panels or air source heat pump (maybe both!) as well as general day-to-day consciousness of product use. My dad is very passionate about environmental issues and drives a number of sustainable energy projects in his home county of Devon, so as well as our own EVORians, I seek advice from him.”

Charley Sayle, Sustainability Consultant – “I have been growing my own herbs and veggies for a couple of years, hopefully when I have a little more garden space, I will be able to expand my selection! By growing your own produce, you avoid the use of plastic packaging, minimise your carbon footprint and reduce food waste. Last but not least… you feel very satisfied and what’s on your plate is definitely tastier!”

Emma Leach, Associate HR Director – “We eat organic food wherever possible and we are looking to source an electric car to replace our current low-emissions one. This summer, we planted a wildflower garden and have been watching the butterflies. We’d love to replace the boiler with a heat pump but they’re a bit out of our price-range currently.”

Sara Agnoletti, Marketing Manager – “I get many products from my local refill shop and I try to avoid plastic as much as I can. Having adopted a vegan diet thanks to my unconditional love for animals, together with eating mostly seasonal and sustainable produce, allows me to generate less carbon footprint. This year, I'm growing my own herbs and veggies and I can't wait to taste them!”

Imogen Lowe, Junior Sustainability Consultant – “I try as much as possible not to buy products in plastic packaging to help reduce greenhouse gases, especially methane produced from landfill sites. I bring my reusable coffee cup with me everywhere to help reduce the enormous number of trees that are cut down and the gallons of water that go to waste. I don't consume meat for half of the week and when I do buy meat I try and buy grass-fed.”

Tia Micunovic, UK Operations and Corporate Events Manager and Winner of the Sustainability and Culture Champion Award at the Office Manager Awards – “I’m a big fan of gardening, and for me, sustainability is most evident at home there. I love growing strawberries, raspberries, and tomatoes. Recently, I’ve started growing more herbs, and there is nothing more satisfying then gathering what you need for your dinner from your garden, rather than buying from the supermarket that's covered in plastic.”

Emma Wise, Associate Marketing Director – “To live a more sustainable lifestyle, I try to take small yet meaningful actions on a daily basis. Instead of driving, I walk wherever I can; at the same time, I’ve also recently switched to a green energy provider and have started growing my own vegetables. As a mum of three children, I do my best to educate them about living a sustainable life and the impact of our choices on the environment. We must all create a better planet for them to grow up in before it’s too late!”