How Can HR Managers Make Use of Employee Sick Leave Data?

We naturally want our employees to show up for work happy and healthy, but a long string of absences is often concerning. But don’t jump to conclusions—there’s usually a good reason why your staff aren’t coming in as often. Sick leave data can help shed light on the situation.


How Sick Leave Data Can Help HR Improve the Workplace

Employers pay a high price if they don’t support their employee’s medical issues, whether they’re physical or mental. Here’s what sick leave data can do for your workplace.

To Notice Sick Leave Patterns That May be Considered Malicious

Employees can’t tell what day they fall ill, but they may feel pressure to stay home longer or go into the office sick due to the stigma that surrounds sick days. Every employee knows that their employer will think they’re faking if they call in on Monday, so they’ll call in on Tuesday instead.

However, an employee who rarely takes time off is still a good employee, regardless of when they call in sick. You should only start to worry if the employee has a pattern of absences, as that could mean they need that day off for personal matters or they don’t like being at work.

To Track General Enthusiasm and Work-Based Excitement

We all need to work to survive, so if your employee is suddenly taking a lot of time off work, they’re likely dealing with a personal relationship or health issue. Sick leave tracking can determine when the problem started and what could have led up to their absence.

For example, maybe an employee wanted to lead a team, but they were prevented from doing so and didn’t receive an explanation as to why. This could produce a “why bother” attitude, which causes their productivity to suffer. Eventually, they may take more time off of work.

To Determine if a Culture is Toxic and Needs to be Reassessed

If an employee feels like they can’t take control of their professional or personal life, or they’re afraid to speak up, they may become avoidant. They’ll stop taking on more projects and participating in group discussions. Then, they may start arriving to work late, or not at all.

Local leadership can make the difference between a happy or unhappy employee, so check if team members started to disconnect after they were placed under a certain manager. Examine if a co-worker is causing general upset, either due to rumours or a workplace culture clash.

To Assess Workplace Injuries Ranging From Physical to Mental

Dangerous workplaces can lead to an increase in physical, mental, or emotional injuries, and it’s essential to assess these problems immediately. No matter how dangerous a workplace may be, your employees should be trained to minimize claims via training and manager supervision.

However, a manager may encourage their staff to avoid safety precautions or discourage them from making a claim if they get hurt. Sick leave data can determine if the number of injuries has increased or if time-off is related to an unprofessional manager or a lack of training.

To Prevent Prolonged Absences, but Not General Absences

An absent employee creates a domino effect within an organisation. If an employee is sick, another employee often has to pick up the slack, which can lead to overwork and, potentially, another absent worker. This will affect the company's productivity, reputation, and bottom line.

However, if you provide your employees with benefits and the means to help themselves when they’re sick, it’ll prevent prolonged absences. Keep in mind that you’ll never prevent absences in general, so you’ll need to have a backup plan if an employee is suddenly sick or takes leave.