Healthtech startup breaking new ground in kidney disease care

Kidney Beam, a healthtech startup from the UK, has made significant strides in transforming NHS patient care for adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Over three years, their unwavering commitment has culminated in a solution that is now scientifically validated, offering a new lease of life to individuals with CKD.

The Lancet Digital Health recently accepted their pioneering research for publication, highlighting notable advancements in managing kidney disease through exercise and lifestyle.

This startup transcends the typical boundaries of an exercise app. It stands as the first app of its kind that is scientifically validated for exercise and lifestyle management, catering specifically to those with kidney disease. Its unique focus and solid scientific basis distinguish Kidney Beam as a trailblazer in the health technology sector.

In partnership with the NHS, Kidney Beam has completed a notable 340-person, multi-centre clinical trial in collaboration with King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and financed by Kidney Research UK. This study showcased the app’s beneficial impacts on mental health, physical function, energy, and self-management abilities in patients.

Moreover, Kidney Beam’s strategic journey towards NHS commissioning includes its operational presence in six out of eight renal networks in England, indicating NHS’s acknowledgement of its potential to transform patient care effectively and economically.

Globally, Kidney Beam is pursuing international collaborations and pilot projects in countries like Canada, the USA, Australia, and Italy, aiming to broaden its impact and enhance the quality of life for people with kidney disease worldwide.

A user named Chris shared his positive experience with Kidney Beam: “You start moving bits of your muscles you had forgotten about and you finish feeling on good form. As the weeks go by your body feels fitter and in a better shape. You begin to enjoy the company of your virtual friends, all trying to improve. It is a supportive environment. Thanks to Beam I feel fitter as a person. Everyone with renal challenges should join in for the structure, guidance and education - it is great fun.”

Dr. Sharlene Greenwood, Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder of Kidney Beam, expressed her excitement: “As a Co-founder of Kidney Beam, I am thrilled to witness our groundbreaking work being acknowledged and embraced by esteemed institutions like the NHS and The Lancet Digital Health. This recognition reinforces our commitment to revolutionising kidney health and underscores the potential impact of our innovative solutions on a global scale. Our ultimate mission is to place Kidney Beam directly into the hands of patients who have never had access to specialised kidney rehabilitation before. We are overjoyed to witness this dream becoming a reality, with thousands of patients already benefiting from our service.”