Forging a path from lonely leadership to healthy leadership

Scrolling through LinkedIn you’d be forgiven for believing a rose-tinted view of startup leadership as a continually exciting, dynamic lifestyle. Whilst that can be the reality, there are also plenty of times when things are anything but - when leaders find themselves feeling isolated and under pressure to keep building the business and making the right decisions.

Studies have found that half of CEOs report challenges with Mental Illness, whilst 6 of 10 business leaders report turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms rather than professional help when it comes to business stress and loneliness.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, how many times you have founded a business or the economic conditions you are kickstarting in; the journey of entrepreneurship brings plenty of predictable challenges. And that’s all without adding any of the unforeseen challenges that will undoubtedly present themselves as you navigate your journey.

The sooner you accept it can happen to you as easily as anyone else, the better.

It’s no surprise that so many Founders report feeling overwhelmed, burnt and stressed out.

Leaders are facing all these business pressures, combined with the perceived need to be resilient, showcase the benefits of leadership, and provide a source of stability. Even with friends, family and co-workers around, it can feel like you’re the only one needing to take on key decisions, maintain the morale of your team, and present yourself as a stable figure leading the way.

Leadership Loneliness is a problem many feel, but a problem few bother to take the time to address. 

And even success can open the door to new challenges - ‘Gold Medal Syndrome’ refers to that comedown following a huge sporting achievement - where do you go next? How can you live up to your own reputation? In business, these feelings can be just the same.

That’s why vulnerability is rarely the first word that comes to mind when thinking about leadership qualities. But the inability to open up or address struggles can stop many leaders from being able to connect with others, share their anxieties and avoid trying to go it alone. It kills businesses.

Ashlie Collins is a 3 times business founder who has seen exactly this, through the impact leadership has had on her and others around her. Having acutely noticed the detrimental effects on mental health Ashlie wants to build a more human approach to business.

“I’ve been in the position of startup leadership 3 times now, and it’s hard - anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves. But that doesn’t mean leadership has to suck the life out of you and become a drain on your mental health and relationships,” Ashlie said.

“There’s not a lot out there in terms of support for the mental health of Founders - there’s a lot on boosting your business, honing your managerial style, or reaching huge profits, but there’s not so much about what to do when you’re feeling completely burnt out.”

That’s why Ashlie wanted to buckle up and break this cycle and carve a new path for a healthier form of leadership. 

“I’ve seen exactly how this kind of leadership can impact your mental health, your relationship with others, and even how well you can continue to lead. Start-up culture often glamorises the tendency to burn out, but it doesn't have to be that way. I want to try and shift the scene from the top down.”

By taking a science-based approach, Ashlie has begun building on a foundation of physiology, neurochemistry and psychology, to help leaders stop "succeeding" and start thriving. She wants to help other leaders reframe each challenge or decision to be made as an opportunity to align decisions with values, rather than expectations.

But to be able to accomplish this, you’ll need new tools in your toolkit with a shot of courage, and that’s what Ashlie has set out to create with her new Startup Therapy App. By establishing the core values that motivate you in all areas of your life, you can act with clarity and confidence that you are making the right decisions, and this app guides you through the process of defining your values.

With this new app, Ashlie gives leaders a simple way to start checking in with their values, understanding the things that drive them and taking a new path towards alignment.

The ambition is to be able to carve a new pathway for leaders - offering ways to create sustainable leadership that minimises isolation and anxiety.

The Startup Therapy app offers practical tasks that guide leaders towards this new way of working, in simple daily steps. But it is these small steps that Ashlie believes are the way to create a new generation of leaders.

“The world is changing rapidly, we’re coming to realise that the old ways of working have become disastrous for our planet and our health, but it doesn't have to be that way. As leaders, we have a choice to blaze a new trail. It won’t be easy, but what in business ever is? But the results will speak for themselves, with more time for your own well-being,” Ashlie said.

To start your journey to healthier leadership, visit