Five startups focusing on loving yourself this Valentine's Day
With the season of Valentine’s upon us once again many of us will be looking to our significant others to show love to and take care of. However, there’s one individual that should always be the most important person in the world - you! After all, how can you love someone else if you don’t first love yourself?
With that in mind, here are five startups that are helping you to look out for yourself and show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day.
First up is the Singaporean startup MindPeers, a company that is striving to help individuals work on their behavioural wellness through personalised mental health programmes. Its team of clinical experts and psychologists have worked to develop tools that can help you better your own mental strength and handle tricky emotions such as guilt, grief, anger, sadness, and others.
Through a combined approach of allowing an individual to prepare their own courses and guidance from professionals, MindPeers hopes to make its services more accessible and less taboo for everyone. Tools such as ‘SelfCare’ and the ‘MindCare Index’ allow users to not only get to the bottom of their issues, but also track them over time and see clear progression, all based on an individual’s unique profile, psychology, behavioural patterns, and life experiences.
Mental health is one of the most important topics of the modern age and getting on top of it is a great way to show yourself some love and develop yourself as a person!
Shine App
Next up is Shine, the app that is aiming to bring peace of mind and better mental health to all, with a specific focus on the needs of marginalised groups such as BIPOC and LGBTQ+.
With minority groups generally more likely to experience mental health problems, such as anxiety, stress, or depression, Shine hopes to level the gap and give these groups a simple, personalised approach to getting the care they need.
A self-care toolkit, Shine’s creators – Naomi Hirabayashi and Marah Lidey – hope it can help people “deal with the day-to-day highs and lows, and, with time, find healing that will last you a lifetime.”
Thrive Global
Thrive Global is next on the list, a service that is helping business owners show their companies some love during the Valentine’s season – after all, it’s important to take care of what’s yours and put yourself in a healthy working environment.
Thrive Global is working towards helping businesses and communities to better their health and performance. By using a variety of data sources, the service provides live insights into how a business’s employees or community members are doing, measuring things like mood, burnout, and resilience.
Thrive is a service that is trusted by big names such as Microsoft, Hilton, Walmart, and Cisco yet is still more than capable of helping the little guy. Diagnosing burnout, empowering managers, and changing workplace behaviours are the focal points to create a better working environment.
Who knows, maybe with a bit of work your workplace could be a meeting place for the next generation of Valentine’s couples?
Meditation is one of the best ways to show yourself some love with practice, reducing stress levels, improving sleep, and improving mental fortitude. This is what Meditopia, a German startup, is promoting for its users.
Meditopia is a meditation coach that guides its users personally through their own meditation programme. The services offered are aimed more at long-term improvements that strive for ‘life-changing mindfulness’ and self-betterment. With focuses on better sleep, reinforcing positivity, and reduced stress and anxiety, Meditopia is a great service to improve your well-being in a multitude of ways.
Why not show yourself some love in not just the now, but also in the long term with meditation?
Last but not least is Fastic, a personalised fasting app to help with weight loss and dietary health. With the start of the new year still in recent memory, many of us have no doubt tried, and maybe failed, to hit that weight loss goal we had in mind, or just improve our diets in general – this is where Fastic hopes to help.
Fastic is a holistic health and weight loss service that is personalised to you, offering a new approach to intermittent fasting, better nutrition, and general well-being. After all, improving your physical health and diet is one of the best ways to show yourself some love, and improve your overall lifestyle.
So there we have it, just a few ways you can show yourself some love this Valentine’s season, whether it be mental health, some meditation, physical health, or improving your environment. Remember, always love yourself!