EXIGENCE set to tackle growing environmental impact of digital devices
An EU-funded consortium of 10 organisations – including Telefónica and Huawei – has launched to reduce the carbon footprint of telecommunications systems. EXIGENCE, which lists partners in telecommunications, academic research and digital transformation across seven EU Nations, is set to mitigate the environmental impacts of next-generation (6G) mobile systems.
With the introduction of 6G, the ongoing digitisation of society is continuously transforming our reliance on telecommunication technology. As such, there is an unsustainable increase in power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. By working with the mobile ecosystem, including two of the world’s largest manufacturers of digital devices, EXIGENCE promises to provide an integrated platform for mobile systems to unveil green insights. It will provide solutions for managing the use of mobile technology and focus the discussion on the vital role sustainable practices can play in achieving the EU’s Green Deal.
Started in January 2024, but publicly unveiled today, the project’s three-pillar framework will measure energy consumption, optimise service provision, and incentivise behavioural changes among users of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Partners include Telefónica and Huawei in addition to seven other partners across Europe.
F6S, the global innovation network where more than five million founders access funding grants and other growth opportunities worth in excess of $1 billion annually, is coordinating the project.
Artur Hecker, Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH said: “Our commitment to driving sustainability standardisation with 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) is anchored in advancing service-level energy consumption measurements, inter-domain eco-data exchange, and green optimisation. Even though domain-specific optimisation and control will continue playing an important role in meeting energy and CO2 reduction targets, what sets the EXIGENCE project apart is the active role that service consumers play in carbon footprint minimisation. We are proud to be part of this novel, collaborative approach towards ICT sustainability, which we are certain will have a profound impact on the industry.”
Sean Kane, Co-Founder and Chair of F6S said: “AI and pervasive connectivity are driving data – and huge amounts of it – into every aspect of work and play. In 2024, connected devices consumed 500 terawatt-hours of energy. In turn, these devices were fed by data centres consuming another 500 terawatt-hours meaning both sides of the fast-growing connected device energy consumption already equal almost all the energy consumed in Japan annually. Despite the growth in renewable technology, the rapid increase in energy required to feed connected devices will produce ever greater amounts of greenhouse gases for the foreseeable future. That’s why F6S is proud to partner with leading entities in this space to introduce actionable sustainable practices.”
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