Can AI solve the UK’s house building crisis?
The UK faces an unprecedented housing shortage, with government targets aiming to deliver over 300,000 new homes yearly.
While policy reform has been proposed to address this pressing issue, the property industry has historically struggled to adopt technological innovations that could help meet these ambitious targets – until now.
London-based PropTech firm Searchland has unveiled the UK’s first AI-powered Land Sourcing Assistant, revolutionising how developers find and assess land for housing projects.
Mitchell Fasanya, CEO and Founder of Searchland believes that AI has the potential to lead a property revolution: “The property industry has always been slower in adopting new technologies, particularly in the planning and development stages. With land teams more stretched than ever, we recognised the need for a tool that could boost efficiency.
“An AI programmed specifically to support housebuilders and developers is crucial to streamlining the entire land assessment process and focus on delivering homes faster.”
Traditionally, land sourcing has been a labour-intensive process, requiring developers to scour local areas, negotiate with landowners, and rely on informal tips from colleagues.
These manual methods contribute to development delays, slowing the overall pace of housebuilding. But Searchland’s AI Land Sourcing Assistant is set to change that.
Using conversational commands, the AI responds to simple queries such as, “Find sites larger than 10 acres with no previous development,” or more complex instructions like, “Find 5,000 sqm sites, free from planning constraints that could affect residential permissions, within five miles of a settlement.”
The AI scours hundreds of land and property data points from Searchland’s comprehensive database, delivering the most suitable land options in seconds.
“While Searchland has been a reliable tool for land sourcing for several years, setting the right search criteria has always required specific knowledge,” Fasanya explains. “Our AI assistant removes that barrier by using the vast amount of data in Searchland’s system to identify opportunities developers may not have even considered. It simplifies the search process and pinpoints ideal parcels of land.”
By automating this step in the land-finding, Searchland’s AI reduces the time needed to identify viable development opportunities, letting developers move quickly from land acquisition to construction faster than ever before.
“AI is more than just a tool; it’s a game-changer,” Fasyanya asserts. “With our AI assistant, developers can discover land opportunities faster, meaning we can accelerate the housebuilding process. We aim to help the industry meet government targets and ensure more people can access homes.”
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