Automation Software solving £10m Problem With Contracts and PDFs

Every day, millions of contracts are drafted, however, due to poor and manual contract management processes, companies a reportedly losing as much as £10m in inefficiencies. Recognising this as a widespread problem, Niels Martin Brøchner, Jarek Owczarek and Viktor Heide founded and developed Contractbook, an automated contract management platform that is now used by over 150,000 businesses, including NHS Trust, TED, The Student Hotel, Mutebox and Eon.

Following five times growth during the pandemic (March 2020 - Feb 2022), the Copenhagen based startup is saving companies and individuals in 85 countries, as much as 45 minutes per contract processed - returning 80% of the time they previously spent on contracts.

Given that 64% of companies say contract approval processes cause deals to stall, Contractbook enables businesses to manage contracts and negotiate with clients in one place (and politely nudge them), which helps boost conversion and expedite the approval process. 

When asked about the outdated methods of contract signing, Contractbook’s CEO and Co-founder Niels Martin Brochner commented, “Millions of identical contracts are created, signed, amended, terminated, and re-signed every day, and despite our universal dependence on them, the majority of companies remain reliant on outdated methods and labour-intensive processes to manage them. By employing a data-based approach and utilising automation, Contractbook can take the strain off businesses, and instead empowers them to acquire new clients, and use precious time to fulfill their goals and aspirations both inside and outside of work.”

Historically, contract management systems have been reserved for businesses with large budgets and resources. However, the majority of these traditional technologies have come with limited functionality and poor integration. As a consequence of the pandemic, the demand for digital contract solutions skyrocketed, with 75% of businesses reported to have adopted digital technologies during the remote working migration.

From compliance to eSignatures, all of Contractbook’s features help users organise and manage contracts in a single workflow and spend less time on paperwork. Meanwhile, by employing a data-rich format, the platform acts as an alternative to PDFs, which are rigid, detached, and hard to convert. Instead, all documents created within Contractbook are connected and live, meaning users can unlock valuable information and insights within contracts anytime.

In terms of automation, Contractbook enables users to power up their contract management processes. For example, users can take advantage of the free template generator tool, which is capable of building multiple contracts from a simple questionnaire in just minutes. Another noteworthy automation is the mass contract sending assistant, through which users can set up an unlimited number of contracts to be distributed automatically once taks have been completed.

Reflecting the needs of modern businesses, Contractbook also integrates and communicates seamlessly with over 3,000 popular messaging apps, productivity tools, and CRM workflow systems, including Salesforce, Hubspot, Slack, Gmail, and Outlook.