8 ways to cultivate a wealth mindset
Cultivating a wealth mindset is essential for business success if you want to achieve your worth and charge what you deserve to earn. I work with clients who have, for years, undervalued and undersold themselves, but by practising manifestation techniques and determining their value I have helped them skyrocket their incomes and turnover.
I took one client’s advertising agency ambitions, and she went from £0 to £10,000 in a month in just six months. She had the right idea and acumen, but not the right mindset. I helped another client, a former civil servant, dive into a coaching practice and achieve a six-figure salary after her first year.
In order to make money you need to appreciate money, to love it, and to really, really want it. Here is just some of the advice I share with my Mind, Money and Business clients…
Learn to appreciate money
It may sound simple, but having a love of money is something we have been conditioned to be ashamed of. We’re told money doesn’t buy you happiness, that money is something to be humble about, that you must not flaunt it. This is wrong. Money is great, and earning money is great. It is something to be proud of. When you earn that win – share it! Shout about it and tell people what you will do with the money you have made. Be proud to be successful.
Throw a money party
What? I hear you cry. Yes, throw a money party! Take the cash you just earned, throw it in the air, play with it, and enjoy it. Let your children and your family and friends see you celebrating with the money you have made.
Embrace illogical growth
The common belief is that positive thinking in business will get you positive results. I would encourage anyone to reevaluate this assumption, and go beyond it. Rather than chasing what you think you can achieve, go after what you truly desire, even if it feels unrealistic. For example, I encourage my clients to pursue what I call “illogical growth” – a rate of growth that sounds illogical. This could be turning your annual income into your monthly income. Although most people would say this is illogical, I have helped people do this.
Set the right goals
When I started out using manifestation, I set myself a goal of earning £10,000 a month because that was what I believed I could do. But what I really wanted was to earn £100,000 a month. With the right guidance and the right mindset, I increased my income to £25,000, £50,000, £100,000, and within a few years took it well beyond £250,000 a month.
Believe in Law of Attraction
The law of attraction became a phenomenon after the release of the film The Secret in 2006, but the movie painted an incomplete picture and missed out some key elements of how Law of Attraction really works. There is more to this practice than most coaches or practitioners talk about. It starts with creating new beliefs that are in alignment with what you want to achieve. For example, the importance of blending belief with visualisation: replacing old belief systems that are filled with doubt with positive belief systems. If you’re going to attract what you want, you must change the beliefs that are in your subconscious mind. Without this, nothing will change, your business will not go anywhere. Meditation, visualisation, reading books and watching YouTube videos won’t change anything.
Take Action
Your actions are in alignment with your beliefs about yourself. If you don’t believe that you can earn £20,000 a month, you will never commit to taking actions that would lead to that goal. This could be, for example, going after bigger contracts. If you’re charging somebody £2,500 a month for a service, you’re unlikely to go after a bigger organisation and pitch the same service for £25,000 a month. Even though that organisation has the funds available, you will always find a reason within yourself why you couldn’t charge that and why they wouldn’t pay.
Employ a Mentor
If you’re in the middle of winter and your heating system breaks down, you’re not going to call your gardener to try and repair it. You’re unlikely to go out and buy a bunch of books to read all about it. You would go and find a plumber who is an expert at repairing the heating system.
When most people’s businesses aren’t going in the direction they want, they’re income has been stuck at a certain level for some time, they often turn to a friend, order a load of business books on strategy and mindset, spend countless hours on YouTube searching for answers, instead of actually finding someone who is a good mentor, who can show them how to start fixing the issues they have. All athletes have coaches and mentors. The same should apply to business.
Smash Your to Do List – Every Day!
Set yourself non-negotiable daily tasks, things that you might otherwise put off, that are income-producing activities. If you want to introduce a new service or a new product or even a new hire, this mentality pushes your boundaries and opens up bigger and better opportunities, and more importantly creates powerful habits of high achievers.