5 tips for buying secondhand online

"It is predicted that the resale market will be bigger than fast fashion by 2029 as traditional charity shops sell more items and the for-profit resale market balloons." Thred Up stated recently.

Enter Farly – a UK startup that is capitalising on the digital transformation of the industry with the launch of a sustainable tech marketplace, coming as a reaction to the fast fashion waste, mass production and onslaught deadstock currently experienced in the fashion industry. Farly’s mission is to revolutionise the way people shop online making it fun, creative, social and better curated.

Here are Farly’s top tips for buying secondhand online:

1) Look for one of a kind

Whether it is a vintage retro tee or a fancy sequin dress; find something that feels special to you. Something that brings life to your wardrobe, and that you can see yourself wearing repeatedly at events or day to day!

2)  Accessories

Never forget to stock up on the simple things that will bring an outfit to life.

3) Think of versatility

Consider how many outfits you can get from your one, two or three pieces of clothing. The more versatile, the more use you will get.

4)   Repair and care

Mending is a great way of repairing clothes that have holes, stains, or other signs of wear to make them more useful. It is about using what you have, embracing imperfections, fixing what’s broken, and rejecting the idea that newer is better.  See companies like @clothesdoctor @sojo app

5)  Get creative and upcycle

Look beyond what you are seeing and ask yourself if you can change it up by swapping to different buttons, adding some stitching or decorations – before you know it, you will have a whole new piece of clothing designed just the way you like it.