Day one at DES 2024: embracing the power of AI and exponential intelligence

On the first day of the Digital Enterprise Show (DES) in Malaga, Spain, the theme of ‘Exponential Intelligence’ was the focal point, driving discussions, presentations, and networking sessions.

This year's conference brought together tech enthusiasts, innovators, and industry leaders from over 50 countries, creating a melting pot of ideas and expertise.

Welcome to DES

Sandra Infante, Event Managing Director for DES, and Alezeya Sanchez, Congress Director for DES, hosted a welcome talk and guests were treated to an AI hologram called Alba who highlighted how AI is transforming lives and business and opening up new opportunities.

Seven stages, hosted over 60 talks, under 12 different banners from CEO and leadership, and Manufacturing and Industry 5.0 to Generative AI and Multicloud.

The event emphasised the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), its role in reshaping industries, and conversations gravitated towards how society is on the very cusp of the next big wave of AI.

Being welcomed to a new era of artificial intelligence, guests attended talks where the next wave is not just a concept but a present reality, which is impacting everything from daily life to complex business processes.

Keynote highlights: navigating AI in business and society

The day featured a series of compelling keynotes and panel discussions around exponential AI, exploring the real challenges and opportunities that come with the increasing adoption of AI.

The talks covered a plethora of industries from IoT and Cloud and medical, to entertainment, retail, and VR.

A panel of industry leaders discussed the potential of immersive technologies, such as VR and AR, to transform the marketing industry and social connections. The speakers highlighted the importance of integrating AI-driven assistance, simulation, and analysis into learning environments, ad the potential for digital twins and immersive technology in manufacturing. They also highlighted the need for a holistic approach and in importance of intuition in scientific discovery.

There was also a talk on AI and privacy which centred around the evolving landscape of privacy and data collection in digital marketing and the impact of regulations such as GDPR. Legal restrictions and the importance of compliance strategies to build trust with users was also discussed.

The last talk of the day centred around AI and mental and physical health and was presented by a panel of experts who spoke on the potential of AI to transform healthcare, addressing challenges such as diagnosis, treatment, and management of care. They also spoke on the ethical concerns surrounding AI development, including representation, bias, accountability, and the need for responsible and ethical development.

Networking opportunities

However, DES 2024 is not just about sessions and keynotes – it is also about making connections.

The event provides numerous networking opportunities for participants to engage with peers, share success stories, and forge new collaborations – with a networking patio right outside the main hall, welcome drinks, tours, and an awards ceremony – there is always something to do.

Looking ahead

As the first day of DES 2024 concludes, it is clear that the event a catalyst for digital transformation. Attendees leave with a wealth of knowledge, new connections, and a renewed sense of purpose in leveraging AI and exponential intelligence to drive their businesses forward ethically, where people are put first. The discussions and insights shared on this day set a promising tone for the remainder of the conference, with much more to explore and learn in the days to come.