Brice Dondelinger

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Displaying a work hard and smart ethic from an early age, Brice started working for a Luxembourgish radio start-up at the age of 14 in addition to his schooling. During those wild and free years, he always preferred to create the events and earn money while his peers would pay-to-party. It became clear to him very early, that he liked the responsibility and the possibilities to shape outcomes that came with sitting in the driver’s seat.

 After graduating from the University of Aberdeen with a master’s in management and having had the opportunity to work with an independent American entrepreneur, inventor and businessman during his studies, Brice went on to lead intellectual property consulting projects for two of the world’s biggest corporations in Switzerland, Latin America and France. Follow that he went on to join a pioneering new media start-up in Luxembourg as the first employee and did process optimisation projects at Luxembourg’s finest Private Bank for several years, before pursuing the inevitable path of entrepreneurial creation and freedom that he had always felt he needed to do. 

 It did not take long, before Brice ran into Bob Krier, an old high school friend, and the rest is history. At Balloonary, Brice’s extensive background, allows him to take the lead on business development and various operational subjects such as financials, networking, and legal matters, among others.

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