Make sure your goals are setting you up for success, not stress!

Do you ever set yourself goals? Or are you winging it all the way?

As a highly experienced business coach and mentor, I am passionate about enabling entrepreneurs (particularly women) to build and grow profitable, happy businesses through banishing stress, overwhelm and procrastination and by using proven business strategies and methodologies, together we build the business that they want.

Do you think goal setting is boring? Then you’ve been doing it wrong and it’s time to connect, reflect and dig deep - really getting into the passion that’s in your heart and knowing what puts fire in your belly, because, connecting to this is powerful; it’s your why, your driver, your power, and the reason you do what you do on the bad days as well as the good!

It’s crucial that you make sure your goals are setting YOU up for success, not stress!  When you run your own business your goals should make you excited, they should make you tingle, and they should help you step out of your comfort zone and into your ‘CEO’ shoes!

Getting really clear about what your future business and self look like, can help you to see the goals you need to set in order to be able to achieve the outcome that you dream of.

So, how can you do this?

  • Journalling – This can help get your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and desires… out on paper. Imagine flicking back through your journal a year from now and realising that you had mapped out your future by allowing yourself to dream. WOW… how would that feel? Personally, I’ve had times in my life when I’ve journaled every single day and others when I’ve fallen out of the practice and then found it hard to get back in. And, I can tell you this… when I journal, it has a positive impact on my life - it has a positive impact on my; business, health, mindset, relationships… Never underestimate the difference physically writing in a book can have versus tapping on a screen or keypad. There is a proven positive link between the connections and neural pathways of your brain and the physical act of writing. You embed those thoughts more quickly and more deeply than if you type or tap.
  • Visualise – What does your future look like? What are all those things that you can visualise being in your life? Notice how that makes you feel. Close your eyes and visualise the future and then write it out in glorious technicolour! And then maybe write as if this is happening right now, in the present and you already have all of those things you want, need and desire. By closing your eyes and visualising the life you desire and deserve, and then writing that in the present tense, means that you start to align yourself with that dream before it physically appears.
  • Visible goals – Reflect on what you visualise and then note down, with no limits, what you would like… these are your goals! Write them out and keep them somewhere that you can see them – ideally somewhere visible, where you can see them every single day, as this will help to keep you on track when the going gets tough or you start to get distracted. Stick them on post-it notes, have them as your screen saver, phone screen etc – whatever it is that will help keep them front of mind.
  • Be realistic – Once you’ve identified your business dreams and goals, you need to be realistic about how much you can achieve in the timescales you’re giving yourself.
  • Lights, camera, action! Yep, you got it; you have to take consistent action to make them happen. I’ll always encourage clients to have outcome-focused action plans so they know the end goals and the actions they need to take to make that stuff happen - step by step.
  • Comparisonitis – Don’t compare your vision and goals with others - or your time scales either. Comparisonitis is crippling and does nothing for your self-esteem.
  • Mindset - Mindset is everything! I’ve spent years investing in my own development to have a healthy and positive mindset. Believe me, I’ve been at rock bottom before – I know how the mind can play tricks. We can all fall prey to Imposter Syndrome and procrastination. So, spend time working on your beliefs and values, explore what’s holding you back and then adopt successful strategies for moving you and your business forward by smashing those limiting beliefs!
  • Get yourself supported and accountable - None of us are able to do this thing on our own. Running a business can be lonely enough as it is, so it’s important to find your tribe and cheerleaders.  The number one thing I hear from clients and members of my Brilliant Business Women Community is that they felt isolated, alone and like it was just them who couldn’t do it! Finding people who can support you and keep you accountable, can super boost you and help you stay on track and achieve your goals.
  • Dedicated time to reflect and set new goals – Being in a group also gives you dedicated time to stop, reflect and if required set new goals – it’s crucial to ensure you have time to stop in order to do this, scheduling time in your diary for you and your business development is imperative – remember, you are worth it!
  • Celebrate! - Getting clearer on what you want, means that you can celebrate each milestone along the way and appreciate your journey.