Avoid a Stressful Transition - 3 things to consider before jumping ship, starting a new business venture or pivoting your business offer

One in six people struggle with mental health conditions due to stress in the workplace.

Given this statistic, many people are craving a change – whether that be; setting up a side hustle, applying for a new job, having a re-brand, pivoting their current business, having a complete career change, re-training… 

Did you know that, we spend on average 50% of our waking hours either in the workplace or working on our business? I remember realising this a few years ago and it genuinely sent cold shivers down my spine, just knowing how many people are unhappy in their workplace or career ventures or feeling all consumed by a business that isn’t aligned with them.

If you feel stressed in your current workplace or if you feel the itch to search for new jobs or if you feel fed-up and stagnant in your start up… my expert advice to you is; HOLD THAT TRAIN! YOU NEED TIME TO STOP, REFLECT AND LOOK FROM WITHIN!

When we are in this quandary, it often feels like we are torn between head – the logic and then the heart and the gut!

The reason why I recommend HALTING, is because what a lot of people tend to do is think; ‘right what am I good at?’ This keeps your mind focused on what feels safe and means you look for things that ensure you feel safe and this means hello comfort zone and goodbye fulfilment zone! If you’re not happy now, what is to say the grass is going to be greener moving next door?

So, my approach is a little bit different and it takes an open mind and an open heart, but it shows you that there are other ways that you could be living your life.

In order to avoid a stressful transition, here are 3 things to consider before jumping ship to a new career, starting a new business venture or pivoting your business offer…

Visualise the future you – With no limitations or expectations, I’d like you to visualise what a dream day in your career would look like… What would the start of your day look like? Get out of bed and bit-by-bit go through your day. Let go and allow your imagination (which is limitless) to guide you. Do you leave the house? Do you commute if so? What are you commuting in? What is your work environment like? Whom are you interacting with? How are you feeling? Where are you having lunch? What are you wearing? See the day through… you are being guided by your intuition. How do you feel? This is the key question. Rather than thinking logically about your ideal job, you’re letting your senses guide you. Keep going right through to how you spend your evenings and what you’re most looking forward to the next day. Doing this exercise with some of my clients has led to people having huge transitions in their careers and transformations in their lives, living out their dream careers and days! This almost becomes a blueprint, in order for you to say; ‘that’s the map I am following!’. You can do this as a visualisation, or write it out and let your pen flow.

Recognise what makes you tick and recognise what makes you sick! – It’s time to think about the bigger picture of how you work as a person, your values, and your experiences… what is it in a career, job, or business that lights you up and makes you tick? What are you passionate about? You can refer to the past and think about what lit you up in previous roles – this is where we can connect the dots. What is important to you? What do you stand for? What do you enjoy doing? What do you enjoy as a person? Write this down.

Then figure out what makes you sick – your hell no’s! What you know you don’t want in the future. It’s really important to recognise these, as this helps to create your future boundaries and weed out the things that don’t align with you. We constantly evolve as humans and this may have changed over time – so it’s important to take time to stop and reflect on this. This exercise helps you be crystal clear on your next steps and what you are looking for that feels most aligned with you.

If you can’t find a job – start one! Create one!  From personal experience, I found a job role via LinkedIn that fitted me on paper, but although the salary was incredible, I knew the job wouldn’t fit my values and need for flexibility. So, I created my own business and start-up and became an expert in what I felt called to do – I shaped my own career. But, I did this whilst working up to 5 other part-time jobs to ensure I had the income. I didn’t jump ship until I felt confident that I had a solid reputation in this field. The fire was lit within me, and in 2016 I began working full-time as a Life and Business Mindset Coach and since then, I have had two Amazon number 1 best-selling book collaborations raising money for the Mental Health Foundation and Be More Ruby Children’s Cancer charity. I have been interviewed by Jairek Robins on his Podcast ‘What The World Needs More Of’ - Jairek is Tony Robbins son and very credible in the personal development world. I am now a regular guest expert on BBC Radio for mindset and mental health and have delivered mindset workshops for companies such as; RedBull and Strata Homes. Sometimes we need to stretch our comfort zone and consider what we want and create a life that serves us, and others.  Hustle with heart and then take small-aligned actions that carve your path.

It’s only right that you put yourself first when it comes to transitioning, pivoting or stepping into a new space. Trust the process and remember you are the heartbeat that drives you forward, so ensure it’s aligned to you and the future that you desire.

Managing a growing business around a twin toddler fuelled life; I am even more passionate about sharing the transformative power of reflecting and going within, before taking action.